
Allwest Reporting Ltd

Proudly Canadian Owned and Operated

– Since 1950 –

Legal Services

Court Reporting Services

Our experienced reporters are sworn before the Federal Court of Canada and have both Federal and Provincial authority to administer oaths and affirmations.  All our reporters have significant experience in court trials, administrative tribunals, public hearings, examinations under oath and examinations for discovery.  Please not we do not report SCBC Matters.

Federal Commission: Orders in Council Canada:

BC Commission Lookup:

Registrar Services

Providing additional services to that of a traditional court reporter, registrars provide support for hearing logistics including organizing and managing exhibits, handling inquiries from the public and media, and ensuring proceedings are conducted in a timely and effcient manner.  

The difference between our registrar service and our court reporter service is the court reporter focus completely on capturing the record of the proceeding.  Often registrars will also record proceedings, but often handle exhibits, pass out paperworks and assist the decisionmaker(s) and counsel with a variety of hearing related tasks.

Need the necessary recording equipment for your proceedings?  We're happy to provide that as well.  

Transcription Services

Transcription is one of the cornerstones of our business.  We have significant experiences in legal, research, educational and investigative transcription. We offer a variety of price and delivery options, ranging from same day delivery (must book in advance) to 10+ business days for less urgent matters.  Please note daily turn around times are subject staff availability and current workloads.

We also provide transcription for provided audio files, so if you have a recording you would like to get transcribed, we can help with that as well.